If you want to toogle touchpad device under Linux, you have to do this:
sudo apt-get install unclutter
Put following lines into toggleTouchpad.sh:
deviceName="AlpsPS/2 ALPS DualPoint TouchPad"
isEnabled=`xinput --list-props "$deviceName" | grep -e "Device Enabled.*1$"`
if [ -n "$isEnabled" ]; then
echo Disabling touchpad $deviceName
xinput --set-prop "$deviceName" "Device Enabled" 0
unclutter &
echo Enabling touchpad $deviceName
killall unclutter
xinput --set-prop "$deviceName" "Device Enabled" 1
Name of my touchpad device is AlpsPS/2 ALPS DualPoint TouchPad. You can find the list of all input devices issuing
xinput list
then you just have to guess what device it is :)
Then you can link this bash script to a keyboard shortcut and you are done.
There is also another way of doing this. Issu following command
synclient TouchpadOff=1
If this command disables your touchpad then toogleTouchpad.sh might look like this:
isEnabled=`synclient | grep -e ".*TouchpadOff.*0$"`
if [ -n "$isEnabled" ]; then
echo Disabling device
synclient TouchpadOff=1
unclutter &
echo Enabling device
killall unclutter
synclient TouchpadOff=0